Gifts for Good with Social Bite's The Festival of Kindness

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"Every gift which is given, even though it may be small, is in reality big if it is given with affection." - Pindar

During this darkest time of year, when the days are short and the nights long, our hearts and minds have always turned towards the indoors – keeping safe and warm, coming together and brightening our homes with candles, with evergreen garlands, with food and drink, creating much-needed festive cheer, and hoping for brighter days to come.

Gift-giving has also become a part of our midwinter tradition – a practice likely as old as humanity itself, now inextricably linked with Christmas, and indeed any kind of celebration.

Why do we exchange gifts, at Christmas time, or ever?

As social creatures we seem to have an irresistible urge to share and to give – we use gifts to create lasting bonds, to express our feelings, to show love and gratitude, to secure favour or to send a message. As both gift-giver and recipient, we experience feelings of love, of being loved, of being appreciated and valued. And of course, we are not alone in the animal kingdom to carry out this ritual – animals are known to exchange gifts – usually hoping to attract or to keep a mate.

Gifting Like the Victorians

What the Victorians rather beautifully called ‘tokens of affection’ came to be exchanged on Christmas day, and what initially began as festive offerings of fine foods, has ballooned into a multi-billion-pound industry (over £25 billion a year is estimated to have been spent on Christmas presents in the UK alone in recent years).

Gifting from the Heart

But of course, we can give in so many different ways – particularly in these disconnected and financially difficult times, when people can feel so isolated from society. Gifts do not need to be material – consider the wonderful benefits to be had from giving what it is in your heart and within your capabilities – whether it be your time or your friendship, your expertise or simply your attention – we can all appreciate the happiness and joy such gifts can bring both the giver and the recipient. Gifting essential items is a great way to sneak extra gifts into the hands of those who need it during the festive period. Considering something like a warm pair of socks or a pair of gloves to cope with the winter months. 

Festival of Kindness Gifts With Pretty Pink Eco Jewellery 

We are really proud to be supporting Social Bite's Festival of Kindness this Christmas, and will be donating £5 from every £25 spent on our website between 1st to 24th of December to buy a homeless or vulnerable person a Christmas Dinner, emergency winter food pack or temporary emergency accommodation. 

How to Participate in the Festival of Kindness with Pretty Pink Eco Jewellery?

  • Find the perfect eco jewellery gift here
  • Place an order between December 1st and 24th 2022
  • We'll automatically take £5 from every £25 spent and gift it directly to Social Bite's Festival of Kindess

What is The Festival of Kindness?

The Festival of Kindness launched by Social Bite co- aims to spread festive warmth and cheer across the country as a collective movement of kindness. The festival aims to give as many people as possible, who are experiencing homelessness or food poverty, access to hot meals, safe accommodation, loving company and Christmas presents over the holiday season. What better way could there possibly be to continue the festive tradition of bringing loved ones inside, to share a warm, happy space, filled with light, love and laughter?

There is absolutely no doubt that the giving of gifts – whether material or more intangible – is a positive experience for both the giver and the recipient. We hope that the process of giving over this festive season creates a powerful cycle of lasting connections, of positivity and community – an escalating snowball that creates a bond between many individuals in this increasingly disconnected world, drawing us closer and improving our morale as a society.

Whether it is, indeed, better to give than to receive, to the people who are reached through the Festival of Kindness, and to those who so generously support it, there is no doubt that the age-old tradition of gift-giving is not only valuable but life-affirming, spreading festive cheer to those who need it most at a time when it is most needed.

So while wishing each and every one of you the happiest Christmas and the most wonderful 2023, if you are able we encourage you this year, to give what is in your heart and within your capabilities to this wonderful cause, and to feel the joy, not only as a grateful recipient of fabulous gifts, but as the giver of happiness and light during the darkest nights of the year.

Learn more about The Festival of Kindness in Edinburgh here. Social Bite's core efforts go to supporting Homeless People across the country and this campaign alone with help to support thousands of people. So when you're on the hunt to full that perfect gift wish list, give the festival of kindness a thought and make sure your financial donations are makeing the biggest impact while spreading festive goodwill. 

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