Make your own Jewellery with Natural Materials

Amalia Wragg ideas jewellery-kit make your own jewellery sustainable

Jewellery is something that most of us will wear on a daily basis. It may be something that we add to a casual outfit, or perhaps the key accessory that we add to a more formal, going out look. The main thing to remember about jewellery is that whilst there are plenty of mass-produced items that you can buy, there are just as many eco-friendly and personal options too.

Here at Pretty Pink Jewellery we take great pride in crafting jewellery from fully sustainable materials that are sourced from the Amazon Rainforest. In fact, one of our favourite materials to use in our designs has to be Tagua Nut,  also known as Vegetable Ivory.

We also encourage people to consider how they might make their own jewellery at home. So, to help you to feel inspired, we have put together our guide on the core design choices to keep in mind when it comes to making jewellery with natural materials. 

Top Three Design Choices for Making Your Own Jewellery at Home

Use a stone to be the centrepiece

There has definitely been a drive towards using stones as a decorative piece. If you find one that is small and light enough, then you could even base some jewellery around it. Not only does a stone look amazing in its simple, basic form, but it can also be used to decorate and make something special too. In fact, stone painting is not only great for jewellery making, but it is also hugely therapeutic too. 

Combine Wood with Bright Colours

One great thing about using natural materials to create jewellery is that you can combine things such as wood with other brighter colours. This means that not only do you have a combination of textures in each piece, but you also have bright colours mixed with more neutral tones. We love the idea of using wood in jewellery (sanded down of course, no-one wants splinters) particularly with the colourful Tagua Nut which we use in our pieces. This combination is not only stylish, but it is natural too. 

Rock the Shell Trend

Using shells in jewellery is not a new thing and it seems that it is a trend that never disappears. They are ideal when combined with other natural materials, such as leather, but they also work great as a stand alone option for making beautiful pieces yourself. 

There are so many great things about using natural materials for making jewellery at home. So, why not try it out for yourself? You never know what you might make. 

Feeling inspired by this blog post to try making your very own jewellery? If you are then you are going to want to take a look at our eco-jewellery making kits. We stock beautiful tagua jewellery making kits, which means that you will have everything that you need to make your very own beautiful and high-quality jewellery, right from the heart of your own home.

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